Adopt Srebrenica Adopt Srebrenica After Dayton: Events May 08 International Conference

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International Conference
Meetings in Trento and Bolzano
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Thirteen Years after Dayton. Which Future for Srebrenica and Bosnia and Herzegovina?

4.4.2008, Fondazione Alexander Langer Stiftung


Bolzano-Bozen / Italy

Saturday 17th of May 2008 / Auditorium of European Academy


h. 14.30 Opening remarks

·          Werner Stuflesser, President of European Academy, Bolzano/Bozen

·          Luisa Gnecchi, Deputy President of Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen

·          Aldo Sicignano, Director Italian Cooperation in Sarajevo

·          Edi Rabini, Alexander Langer Foundation


First Panel – Thirteen Years after: which Future for Bosnia Erzegovina?


Chair:             Jens Woelk, Univ. of Trento and European Academy Bolzano/Bozen

·          Michael Schmunk, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Bosnia and Herzegovina

·          Roberto Toniatti, University of Trento

·          Dragoslav Dedovic, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Belgrade


Reading break: poetry from the Balkans, by Gianluca Paciucci


Second Panel - Thirteen Years after: which Future for Srebrenica?


Chair:             Andrea Rossini, Observatory on the Balkans

·          Marijana Grandits, Stability Pact for South East Europe, Bruxelles

·          Abdurahman Malkic, Mayor of Srebrenica

·          Radomir Pavlovic, President of Municipality Council, Srebrenica

·          Irfanka Pasagic, Tuzlanska Amica

·          Representative from local group, Srebrenica


h. 19.00 End of the Conference


h. 21.00 Reading and musics

Performances from Roberta Biagiarelli, MaxMaber Orchestar and Beppe Frattaroli.

Simoultaneous translation provided into German – Italian – Bosnian languages



pro dialog