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Teoria e pratica del conflitto
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L' arte del prendersi cura 2020 Fortbildungen: l’arte del vivere insieme (2021) Difesa civile e difesa militare Europa: corpi civili di pace Materiali tematici - Themenbereiche Comunicati Fortbildung - così lontano, così vicino (2022) Servizio Civile
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Medda Roberta - Non-Discrimination and Minority Protection under International Human Rights Law

19.1.2007, fp
The lecture aims at providing an understanding of the concepts of equality, anti-discrimination, minority protection and positive action under international law. The lecture includes minority protection within the regimes of the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the European Union and the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe, where relevant.

The content of the first part of the lecture will form the basis for the discussion of a moot trial inspired by a recent case decided by the Strasbourg Court on the right of education and the system of ´special`schools´ for Roma children. The Roma are present in virtually all European countries and comprise approximately ten million people. In most of these countries the Roma populations face considerable obstacles to the full enjoyment of their fundamental rights. The discussion of the moot trial will provide the opportunity to review the main issues discussed during the first part of the lecture in order to put forward recommendations for overcoming discrimination and combat marginalization and stigmatization of such important minority group.

MeddaSlidesIIpart.ppt (478 KB)
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