Euromediterranea Euromediterranea euromediterranea 2004

euromediterranea 2004
Summer School
euromediterranea 2005 euromediterranea 2006 euromediterranea 2009 euromediterranea 2010 euromediterranea 2011 euromediterranea 2012 euromediterranea 2015 Euromediterranea 2017
2005 10 anni con Alex (15) 2005 Brindisi per Alex (7) 2005 euromed - Sarajevo (6) 2005 Ricordi (5) 2006 Children of Memory (13) 2006 euromed-Ibu award (14) 2012 Arabellion! Donne in cammino (0) euromed 2005 - Brenner/o (11) euromed 2005 - Convivenza (12) euromed 2005 - ecologia (12) euromed 2005 - Hallo Ibrahim (2) euromed 2005 - Landtag (5) euromed 2005 - musica (19) euromed 2005 - srebrenica (17) euromed 2005 - srebrenica 2 (18) euromed 2005 - srebrenica 3 (17) euromed 2005 - srebrenica 4 (14) euromed 2005 - summerschool (18) euromed 2005 - summerschool 2 (19) euromed 2005 - summerschool 3 (6) euromed 2009 - Iran (58) euromed 2013-donatori musica (46) Euromed 2015-alex/Bosnia (40) euromediterranea 2011 - Haiti alive (14) EUROMEDITERRANEA 2014 BORDERLANDS (2) EUROMEDITERRANEA 2016 (21) Euromediterranea 2022 - Legami Beziehungen (2)

International Festival "Euromediterranea" 2004 “EUROPE OF THE 25 - example POLAND”

28.6.2004, Bolzano, June 28 – July 4, 2004
The current year 2004 represents a crucial timeline for the European Union. In fact, the Union is preparing for its biggest enlargement ever: ten new countries are set to join on May 1.

The “acceding countries” are bound to gain particular political weight within the Union, since their presence as members will put into question and redefine consolidated balances of power and international alliances which emerged with the first Gulf War. The upcoming enlargement will also affect the trends within the economic system and the labour market, which will most probably evolve towards greater mobility and growing inequalities. In order to deal with such issues, it becomes necessary to rethink citizenship and the rights connected with it, especially with respect to old and new minorities brought to the fore with the new boundaries. Finally political and economic developments of such scale and scope are bound to affect the ecosystem, which seems to be already strained by ongoing deregulation and erosion.

Among the acceding countries, Poland undoubtedly holds a significant weight. Historically, Poland has played a key role in connecting old European countries with the ones that were struggling after a long period of stagnation and oppression. Following a unique path, it established an independent government before the fall of the Berlin Wall. Since the rising of Solidarnosc, a considerably independent civil society gained significant weight and proved pivotal in the collapse of the old system of power. Due to these peculiarities, the Polish transition from one system to the other represents a particularly interesting case study. In fact, within Poland expectations toward integration in the European Union are considerably high and public opinion is split between those who fear it and those who regard it as an historical evolution. As all of the acceding countries, Poland brings along not only new concerns but also an important heritage made of historical, political and cultural traits that need to be acknowledged and respected.

Such is the frame for the 2004 edition of the “Euromediterranea” and the International Summer School, which aims at dealing with some of the issues brought forward by the European Union enlargement, with respect to the case of Poland. As in the previous editions, Euromediterranea will consist of public lectures and debates as well as cultural events: cinema, photography, theatre, music, books, aiming at involving larger parts of the population.
The public events will primarily take place in Bolzano. Possibly, there will also be sessions in nearby locations (Innsbruck, Merano, Trento). Simultaneous translations into English, German and Italian are foreseen as well as subsequent translation of the interventions held in Polish.

This year the International Summer School (June 28 - July 4) will be transformed into a workshop where participants will draft a common manifesto, “Europe as we want it”. The workshop will be open to 40 young participants, half of them will be nationals of current European Union Member States and half will be nationals of acceding countries. Upon payment of a small fee, the Alexander Langer Foundation will provide accommodation. Refunds of travelling expenses (max. 250,00 €) will be available for up to 5 participants.

The three main working sessions will be held on July 1st, 2nd and 3rd from 5pm to 8pm. As usual, the last day of “Euromediterranea”, July 4th, will be devoted to the “Alexander Langer Award” ceremony. Each session will consist of lectures and debates about acceding countries, with special regard to Eastern Europe and in particular to the current public opinion debate within Poland.


First session, July 1st. 17.00 - 20.00pm - sala rappresentanza Comune di Bolzano vicolo Gumer
General introduction: European Union Enlargement and the New Europe (“Europe at 25 speeds”).
Opening of the pubblic sessions true Helmuth Moroder, President of the Alexander Langer Foundation
Malgorzata Furdal, director of the polnish culture institute in Rom
Irena Grudinska-Gross, in memoria Jacek Kuron
Silvia Decarli, seracher on European integration at the University of Trento
Konstanty Gebert, Journalist
Moderator: Gianni Tamino

Second session, July 2nd.
The case of Poland. Perspectives from some of the protagonists of the liberation process.
Andrzej Paczkowski, key voice in the Polish dissent
Oxana Pachlovska, lecturer on the University of Rom
Mauro Martini, lecturer of Oriental Literature at the University of Trento
Moderator: Carla Tonini, lecturer of History of Eastern Europe at the University of Bologna

Third session, July 3rd.
New boundaries and old minorities.
Tomas Venclova, poet from Vilnius-Lithuania
Irena Grudzinska-Gross, Boston, historian
Marino Vocci, from Opicina, spokesperson of “CERNIERA – Forum Euromediterraneo Transfrontaliero”
Francesco Palermo, lecturer of Compared Constitutional Law at the Universities of Trento and Verona
Coordination: Wlodek Goldkorn, cultural editor of the magazine L’Espresso

Saturday July 3rd, 10am – 12am: Annual meeting of the Administrative Council of the Alexander Langer Foundation

Sunday July 4th, 10.00 am: Film: "Tre figliole" from Rudi Assuntino, about life and music from the polish composer and poet Mordechaj Gebirtig.
11.30am: Alexander Langer Award 2004 to Foundation "Pogranicze" from Sejny - Poland with Gianni Tamino, Lucyna Gebert, Irena Grudzinska-Gross. For the Foundation Pogranicze: Crzysztof Czyzewski.

The more specifically cultural section of “Euromediterranea 2004” is intended to stimulate social interactions and possibly friendships, in order to promote awareness of the little known Polish reality. It will be supported by the Polish Institute of Culture.

Euromediterranea 2004 – cultural program

Friday, 2th July, 21.30, Bolzano/Bozen – Europapark/Parco Europa
Music – party

From Friday 25th July till Sunday 4th July – Municipal Building Foyer, Gumergasse
Photo exhibition by Polish photografer Monika Bulaj “Geniti di Dio”. The exhibit focuses on the life of the religious minority living on the border of Poland, Ukraine, Slowakei, Rumania and Moldawia.

From Friday 25th June till Saturday 10th July – University of Bolzano/Bozen
Exhibiton of Polish posters, from the Dydo Poster Collection, inspired by the EU-enlargement, arranged by Claudio Sinopoli

Showing of “The ten commandments”, Parts 9 and 10, by Krzysztof Kieslowski. The ten films will be showed in June at the Cinema Capitol
Films by Andrej Wajda, Krzystzof Zanussi, Roman Polanski

From Thursday books about the teme of Euromediterranea will be exhibited in the Municipality Foyer, Bolzano/Bozen.

Produced with the support from the Polish Institute of Culture, Roma. With contributions from the European Commission, Town of Bolzano, Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano, Regione Trentiono Alto Adige- Südtirol, Grüne Bildungswerkstatt Wien

INVITATION – International Summerschool (28.06.- 04.07.2004)

The international festival „Euromediterranea 2004“ will focus on the EU-enlargement. The main topic is: Europe of the 25 and its “25 speeds”, a European scenario that is often supported as a chance for positive renewal, but also feared by many.
Public meetings, music, cinema, theatre as well as various exhibitions are scheduled in this year’s program.
The international summer school will be organized in the form of a “workshop of ideas”. Discussions and arguments focused on “Europe as we want it“ should lead to a preparation of a manifesto.
The summer school will be held according to the “Open Space Tecnology” participatory technique by Marianella Sclavi. Sclavi is a lecturer of urban etnografie, art of listening and creative leadership of conflicts at the “Politecnico di Milano”.
The meetings will host Italian as well as international guests, who will participate in the “Euromediterranea: Europe with his 25 velocities” (see program outline).
Five scholarships will be offered on the basis of merit. Scholarships will amount to a maximum of 250€ to cover part of the travel costs, enrolment fee and accommodation. Enrolment fee for all other participants is 50 € covering the expenses for accommodation (20€ for participants who don’t need accommodation).
The official language of the Conference and Summer School is English. Simultaneous translation into German and Italian will be available exclusively for the evening events.

It is necessary to fill up the enclosed form and send it together with the curriculum vitae to the Langer Foundation, e-mail: tel.+ fax 0471-977691.

For further information and updates, please see our website at

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