Alexander Langer Alexander Langer Writings - Alexander Langer Former Yugoslavia Verona Forum

Short Biography Writings - Alexander Langer
East/West Environment Europe Former Yugoslavia
Verona Forum
European Parliament
Israel/Palestine Mediterranean Countries North/South Peaceful Coexistence
Short Bibliographie Memories
alexander langer (22) Cassar-Simma: Take Care - Trag Sorge - Abbi Cura (11)

Verona Forum 10-13 june 1993-Message adopted by the Vienna Civic Peace Conference

Jun 13, 1993, Verona Forum attached file

Message adopted by the Vienna Civic Peace Conference -Vienna, Parliament, 10-13 June 1993 - To the Government of Serbia, Beograd

Hereby we have the honour to trasmit the declaration adopted Friday, 11 June 1993, in the Parliament, by the participants an the Vienna Civic Peace Conference on Former Yugoslavia:

"The establishment of the so-called press publishing house PANORAMA puts into reality the final stage in the elimination of Kosova media in Albanian language by the Serbian Government and Parliament.

This process began three years ago, with the abolition of Prishtina television and radio, followed by the suppression of Rilindjia, the only Kosovo daily paper in Albanian. Now, with the establishment of PANORAMA, complete media darkness has descended over one part of Europe.

We demand from you to withdraw this situation and to take measures to restore normal and free media life in Kosovo, as an important step towards upholding human liberties and freedoms, and to contribute thereby to preserve some kind of peace and chances for peaceful settlement in Kosovo."


We ask you firmly to take into consideration this message.


Yours, faithfully

Marijana Grandits and Alexander Langer

co-chairs of the Vienna Conference

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