Adopt Srebrenica Adopt Srebrenica After Dayton: Events May 08 Meetings in Trento and Bolzano

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International Conference Meetings in Trento and Bolzano
International Week 2009 International Week 2008 Field trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina 25/07-02/08 International Week 2007 About Srebrenica and Bosnia News Contacts Link Adopt, Srebrenica, nagrada Alexander Langer 2015
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Self-governement and multiethnicity in Europe: a case study. Young people from the Balkans visiting Trento and Bolzano. 15th - 17th of May 2008.

Apr 4, 2008, Alexander Langer Foundation


South Tyrol and Trentino have a specificity because of their history and multiethnic composition. The broad institutional autonomy of the local governements and the dailylife confrontation with different languages and cultures (expecially in South Tyrol cities) are interesting aspects for people coming from abroad.

South Tyrol and Trentino have also a number of permanent relations with people and communities in South East Europe: Srebrenica/Tuzla with Langer Foundation Bolzano – Prijedor with Trento and several villages in Trentino – Kraljevo with Rovereto and other Trentino municipalities – Pec-Peja with Province of Trento and a number of local ngos – Bratunac with Associazione La Ventessa from Cembra Valley.

Each relation is based on a different partnership model, and there is not enough knowledge and collaboration among South Tyrol and Trentino ngos. The same is among their SEE partners, although sometimes there have been an interaction: e.g. youth people from Pec-Peja visiting Prijedor and vice versa. Nevertheless this reachness could be emphasized, creating more contacts and exchanges between Trentino and South Tyrol partners.



The main objectives of the study trip are:

 ·          knowing the history and the specificities of South Tyrol and Trentino autonomy, in their positive aspects as well as in the difficulties and challanges they face;

·          exchanging experiences and operational instruments with other SEE youth groups active in mobilizing their society and impliementing social activities;

·          creating a network among South Tyrol and Trentino ngos involved in South East Europe and their local partners;

·          meeting youth people from South Tyrol and Trentino, for a peer to peer exchange (and a bit of fun!)



The programme includes:


Wednesday, 14th of May 2008

Arrival in Bolzano


Thursday, 15th of May 2008

Location: Bolzano

 1.       Seminar “South Tyrol as a place of meeting and dialogue(morning)

Activists from the Balkans are introduced to the historic and constitutional model of the South Tyrol Autonomy as well as to daily life in this multiethnic land. Participants will get lessons from experts of European Academy, the main research institution in Bolzano.


2.      Visit to local Assembly (afternoon)

Participants will visit the local Assembly of South Tyrol, and meet the President of the Assembly. They will be introduced to local political debate, and will have the opportunity also to present and debate about the situation in their homeland.


3.      Welcome party (evening)


Friday, 16th of May 2008

(free morning)

Location: Trento

4.      Press conference (midday)

       Press conference with various Trentino local autorithies, presenting the delegations form the Balkans.


5.      Seminar: cooperating among Italy and the Balkans (afternoon)

      Knowing each others

 South Tyrolean and Trentino partner ngos present themselves and their activities, aiming to stimulate and reinforce networking and best practices exchange. 


6.      Public event (evening)

 Public event organised together with the Province of Trento, Associazione Trentino con il Kossovo, Tavolo Trentino con Kraljevo and Associazione Progetto Prijedor 


Saturday, 17th of May 2008

Location: Bolzano


7.      Seminar: exchange among youth groups (morning)

      “Living mixed

Representatives of youth groups from South East Europe discuss together with participants to the Master course about their own experiences in living together and their active involvement in community life.


8.      Conference (afternoon)

Thirteen years after Dayton: which future for Srebrenica and Bosnia Erzegovina?

Public debate with speakers from European and Bosnian institutions as well as NGOs on the future of Bosnia Erzegovina. Which road towards EU integration? Which reforms of the Dayton Agreement are necessary? A special focus will be dedicated to the town of Srebrenica.


9.      Multicultural party (evening)

Music event and dinner with Bosnian specialities




pro dialog