Adopt Srebrenica Adopt Srebrenica After Dayton: Events May 08 International Conference

Project Leaders Short history of the Project I do not hate/Ja ne mrzim. Zijo’s story. Euromediterranea 2015 in Bosnia and Herzegovina International Week 2014 International Week 2010 11th July - Don´t Forget Study trip to Strasbourg march 09 After Dayton: Events May 08
International Conference
Meetings in Trento and Bolzano
International Week 2009 International Week 2008 Field trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina 25/07-02/08 International Week 2007 About Srebrenica and Bosnia News Contacts Link Adopt, Srebrenica, nagrada Alexander Langer 2015
(26) (1) (14) adopt Srebrenica Group (6) as / Experience Srebrenica 2010 (3) as- memory travel 11 July 2009 (52) Bz-Dayton -Meeting Trento 06-16 (15) Bz-Dayton Culture 06.17 (6) Bz-Dayton Eurac 15.06 (5) Bz-Dayton faces (10) Bz-Dayton Master Meeting 06.17 (13) Bz-Dayton Meeting with local institutions 06.16 (2) Bz-Dayton-Conference 06.17 (17) Cooperation for memory 2011 (36) Internat. Conference 2008 (37) Internat.Conference 2007. (9) Internat.Conference 2008-2 (17) International Week 2009 (28) international Week 2014 (52) Srebrenica - Potocari 11.7.2007 (9) Srebrenica 11.7.2005 (4) Srebrenica 11.7.2005 (9) Srebrenica 11.7.2006 (6) srebrenica-mars mira 2010 (8) Tuzla 07.2006 (9) Tuzla-Modena City Ramblers (4) Tuzlanska amica (13)

Invitation: Thirteen Years after Dayton. Which future for Srebrenica and Bosnia Herzegovina? Bolzano 15-18th of May 2008 International Conference and events

May 9, 2008, Alexander Langer Foundation


Four days of meetings and cultural events in Trento and Bolzano/Bozen, with the International Conference "Thirteen Years after Dayton" at the end. Participants will come from different placesof the Balkans: Srebrenica, Bartunac and Prijedor in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kraljevo in Serbia and Pec-Peja in Kosovo. The Mayor and the President of Municipality Council of Srebrenica will also be present.


See the Presentation of the initiative.


See the Programme of the International Conference "Thirteen Years after Dayton" - Saturday 17th of May 2008, Auditorium of European Academy, viale Druso 1, Bolzano


See the whole Programme of the study visit to South Tyrol and Trentino 15-18th of May 2008




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