Adopt Srebrenica Adopt Srebrenica After Dayton: Events May 08

Project Leaders Short history of the Project I do not hate/Ja ne mrzim. Zijo’s story. Euromediterranea 2015 in Bosnia and Herzegovina International Week 2014 International Week 2010 11th July - Don´t Forget Study trip to Strasbourg march 09 After Dayton: Events May 08
International Conference Meetings in Trento and Bolzano
International Week 2009 International Week 2008 Field trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina 25/07-02/08 International Week 2007 About Srebrenica and Bosnia News Contacts Link Adopt, Srebrenica, nagrada Alexander Langer 2015
(26) (1) (14) adopt Srebrenica Group (6) as / Experience Srebrenica 2010 (3) as- memory travel 11 July 2009 (52) Bz-Dayton -Meeting Trento 06-16 (15) Bz-Dayton Culture 06.17 (6) Bz-Dayton Eurac 15.06 (5) Bz-Dayton faces (10) Bz-Dayton Master Meeting 06.17 (13) Bz-Dayton Meeting with local institutions 06.16 (2) Bz-Dayton-Conference 06.17 (17) Cooperation for memory 2011 (36) Internat. Conference 2008 (37) Internat.Conference 2007. (9) Internat.Conference 2008-2 (17) International Week 2009 (28) international Week 2014 (52) Srebrenica - Potocari 11.7.2007 (9) Srebrenica 11.7.2005 (4) Srebrenica 11.7.2005 (9) Srebrenica 11.7.2006 (6) srebrenica-mars mira 2010 (8) Tuzla 07.2006 (9) Tuzla-Modena City Ramblers (4) Tuzlanska amica (13)

The Balkans from the War to Europe. South Tyrol as a place of encounter and dialogue. Bozen 15th-18th of May 2008. International Conference.

Apr 4, 2008, Fondazione Alexander Langer Stiftung

Four days of meetings and cultural events in Trento and Bolzano/Bozen, with the International Conference "Thirteen Years after Dayton" at the end. Participants will come from different placesof the Balkans: Srebrenica, Bartunac and Prijedor in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kraljevo in Serbia and Pec-Peja in Kosovo. The Mayor and the President of Municipality Council of Srebrenica will also be present.



This proposal is meant to be part of the project “Adopt Srebrenica”, a wide initiative organised by the Bosnian Organisation Tuzlanska Amica and the Alexander Langer Foundation of Bolzano, Italy. The objective of the initiative is to promote a process of confidence building as well as a culture of peace, peaceful co-existence and non-violent transformation of conflicts in Srebrenica. An important outcome of the project will be the creation of a dialogue, research and documentation centre in the town of Srebrenica.

As a first step, from August 27th to September 1st 2007 an international week dedicated to memory was organised in Srebrenica. Participants included experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina and other countries, representatives of local organisations and civil society, interested people from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, Germany, Great Britain, Serbia, Croatia, Poland and Belgium as well a survivor of the genocide in Rwanda.


The proposal 

It was during this event that the idea was born to continue the dialogue by organising a similar event in a neutral place like South Tyrol, which has its own history of strong ethnic tensions. The cooperation with the European Academy of Bolzano is ideal, as it is an internationally recognised study and research centre especially in the field of ethnic conflict and minority rights.


The year 2008 will be a decisive year for Srebrenica, as municipial elections will be held in the month of October. For the Bosnian society and for the international community, 2008 will be a year of reflection about a possible reform of the Dayton Agreements and a year dedicated to the search for solutions to the ethnic and nationalist tensions still representing an obstacle to a peaceful and multi-ethnic future for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The days in Bolzano will combine some closed working group, dedicated to politicians and activists from Srebrenica and BiH, with public events, conferences and artistic performances.

pro dialog