Alexander Langer Alexander Langer Writings - Alexander Langer North/South

Short Biography Writings - Alexander Langer
East/West Environment Europe Former Yugoslavia Israel/Palestine Mediterranean Countries North/South
Peaceful Coexistence
Memories Short Bibliographie
alexander langer (22) Cassar-Simma: Take Care - Trag Sorge - Abbi Cura (11)

North-South Dialogue: 500 Years are Enough! Now It Is Time to Change Course

Opening address of the special session of the “Campagna Nord-Sud: biosfera, sopravvivenza dei popoli, debito” (“North-South Campaign: the Biosphere, the Survival of Peoples, the Debt”). Genova, 1-3 November 1991
Can we imagine a five-hundred year commemorative celebration of the Napoleonic conquest and unification of Europe being held in the Paris of 2312? Or indeed a five-hundred year celebration of the Wannsee...

Ecological Debt: the Need to Learn to ‘Settle the Accounts with the Landlord’

From Messaggero Cappuccino, February 1989
“For the first time in the history of the planet we are not only consuming the ‘interest’ but we are also drawing on nature’s ‘capital’”, in a world in which everything has become a commodity...
pro dialog