Euromediterranea Euromediterranea euromediterranea 2005

euromediterranea 2004 euromediterranea 2005
euromediterranea 2006 euromediterranea 2009 euromediterranea 2010 euromediterranea 2011 euromediterranea 2012 euromediterranea 2015 Euromediterranea 2017
(14) (2) (12) (12) (5) (2) (19) (6) 2005 10 years with Alex (15) 2005 A "brindisi" for Alex (7) 2005 memory (5) 2006 Children of Memory (13) 2006 euromed - Ibu Robin award (14) 2012 Arabellion! Women in progress (0) euromed 2005: 25-6 Brennero/Brenner (11) euromed 2009 - Iran (58) euromed 2013-donatori musica (46) Euromed 2015-alex/Bosnia (40) EUROMEDITERRANEA 2014 BORDERLANDS (2) EUROMEDITERRANEA 2016 (21) I.S (Intern. School) Bosnia – Coffins arrival (17) I.S – Bosnia – Ceremony (18) I.S – Bosnia – the Funeral (17) I.S. - Bosnia - Memorial and Cemetery (14) I.S. - Bosnia - the Students (19) I.S. - Bosnia – Meetings and Seminaries (18) I.S. - BZ - Paperlapapp meeting (6)

PROGRAMME: International Seminar and Summer School Euromediterranea 2005

Apr 13, 2005
International Seminar and Summer School Euromediterranea 2005

25 June – 12 July, 2005

Alexander Langer 1995-2005: Lentius, profundius, suavius

Ten years have passed since Alexander Langer decided to take his leave of life. The memory of him and what he did in his extrordinary life has become more mature and aware, though hazed with melancholic longing.
In the meanwhile, those who received the “Alexander Langer” International Award have become part of our Foundation’s genetic inheritance: Khalida Toumi Messaoudi (Algeria), Jacqueline Mukasonera and Yolande Mukagasana (Rwanda), Ding Zilin and Jiang Peikun (China), Vjosa Dobruna and Natasa Kandic (Kosovo and Serbia), Dan Bar-On and Sami Adwan (Israel and Palestine), Esperanza Martinez (Ecuador), Gabriele Bortolozzo (Italy), the Pogranicze Foundation (Poland). They are our new travelling companions, our most valuable good. For, together with Alexander Langer’s very topical writings, they show us a way to cling to the crucial – but still unanswered - questions that we have inherited from the 20th century.
We don’t know what Alex would say about these new travelling companions of his. We do know, however, that since July 3rd, 2005 the responsibility to seek “what is right” has come back to each of us.
We will have the chance to talk about all of these topics in this year’s special edition of “Euromediterranea”, an event which will combine moments of reflction and moments of social interaction.
Certainly, Euromediterranea will not be the only commemorative appointment, since other events are being orgainsed in Italy and Europe, by people who knew Alex directly or through his writings.

International Seminar

In particular, the meetings in the seminar will be centered on three writings by Alexander Langer:
- “Europe Will Either Die or Be Reborn in Sarajevo” (1995)
- “We Will Only Attain Ecological Conversion When It Becomes Socially Desirable” (1994)
- “A Tentative Decalogue for the Art of Inter-Ethnic Togetherness” (1994)

The texts will be available on the website of the Foundation in Italian, German, English and French.

Within the framework of the seminar, then, we would like to give as many people as possible the chance to hold personal commemorative speeches, 5-7 minutes long. People who intend to give such speeches should give notice in advance.

We would like to invite everybody to the take part in Euromediterranea 2005.

(Starting from the beginning of May, information regarding special offers of accomodation will be available at the Foundation).


Festival - Events

Saturday, June 25th – Brennero/Brenner
Grenzländer – Terre di confine (Borderlands)
Opening of the seminar and events dedicated to Alexander Langer
10:00 am – guided walk along the border between North and South Tyrol
4:00 pm – official opening of Euromediterranea 2005 – meeting witht the press

From Monday June 27th - Bolzano/Bozen

Monday, June 27th (open until July 7th) - Town Hall
Hallo Ibrahim!
Photo exhibition about Bosnia-Herzegovina, created by Luisa Ferrari for Macondo 3, in support of sponsorship projects of Tuzlanska Amica

Terre di confine (Borderlands)
At the Filmclub

Minima Personalia
Presentation of the Langer archive
At the Alexander Langer Foundation

International Seminar

Friday, July 1st

2 pm - Town Hall
Opening Ceremony

4 pm - Town Hall, Sala di rappresentanza
Artistic Workshops
With Alberto Larcher and Loretta Viscuso

5:30 pm - Town Hall
Awarding Ceremony
Awarding ceremony of the 2005 International Alexander Langer Award. The award is sponsored by the Foundation “Stiftung Südtiroler Sparkasse/Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano”

6:30-9:00 pm – Town Hall
International Seminar – First Session
“Europe Will Either Die or Be Reborn in Sarajevo”
Speakers: Massimo Cacciari (Venice/Milan, Italy); Irfanka Pasagic Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

9:00 pm - Prati del Talvera
VolxFesta – Radio Tandem’s “24 Hours”
Concerts and music events

Saturday, July 2nd

10:30 am – 1 pm – Town Hall
International Seminar – Second Session
“We Will Only Attain Ecological Conversion When It Becomes Socially Desirable”
Speakers: Vandana Shiva (India); Wolfgang Sachs (Germany/Italy)

1 pm
Drinking a toast to Alxander Langer
With Cristoph Baker

4:00 pm - Town Hall
Annual meeting of the Alexander Langer Foundation
Dedicated to the memory of Renzo Imbeni and Lisa Giulia Foa

5:30 pm – Town Hall
International Seminar – Third Session
“A Tentative Decalogue for the Art of Inter-Ethnic Togetherness”. The importance of mediators, bridge builders, wall vaulters and frontier crossers.
Speaker: Leopold Steurer (South Tyrol)

Prati del Talvera
VolxFesta (continued)
Concerts and music events

Sunday, July 3rd

10:00 pm - Town Hall
Ten Yeras With Alexander Langer, a Bibliographical Path
With the authos of books on Alexander Langer

11:00 am - Town Hall
Adriano Sofri and Dani Cohn-Bendit Remember Alexander Langer
A short film by Dietmar Höss

11:30 am - Town Hall
Alexander Langer’s Topicality
Towards a political biography
Speakers: Florian Kronbichler, Fabio Levi, Giuseppina Ciuffreda
Personal commemorative speeches
Performance: Coro vocale eXperimento

Simultaneous translations: Italian, German, English

1 pm - Prati del Talvera
Buffet and Music

6 pm - Sterzing/Vipiteno
Film: “Alexander Langer”, by Dietmar Höss

More Events… Beyond the Summer School

Monday, July 4th, 9:00 pm
“So oder so…”
Ein Theaterstück der “Creative Factory” im Gemeinschaftszentrum
Jungbusch Mannheim, directed by Lisa Massetti

Tuesday, July 5th, 9:00 pm
Srebrenica 2005
Short film festival – documentaries about Srebrenica

Wednesday, July 6th, 9:00 pm
Music Party
Associations based in Bolzano/Bozen meet the participants of the summer school at the Papperlapapp. Snacks with typical Balkan food.
Film: “Deutschland wäre meine richtige Heimat... by Mario Di Carlo

International Summer School

Ten Years After Srebrenica: the Scars of Silence
Bozen/Bolzano, Tuzla, Srebrenica, Sarajevo 1-12 July, 2005

The International Summer School 2005 will be itinerant in nature. It will move from Bolzano/Bozen to Tuzla, Srebrenica and Sarajevo, in the attempt to understand Srebrenica (which has often been referred to as the worst genocidal massacre in Europe after World War II) and the post-Dayton debate. Also, in support of the local population, participants in the Summer School will attend local commemorations of the massacre, which will be held in Srebrenica. Finally, trying to learn from the past, the Summer School will seek to reflect upon the issues of prevention of humanitarian crises and reconstruction of peaceful cohabitation, with special attention to what Alexander Langer envisaged in his text “Europe will Either Die or Be Reborn in Sarajevo”.

Number of participants: 40
5 places are reserved for young people coming from Tuzla and Srebrenica. 15 places are reserved for participants of the Second Course for Peace Workers/Conflict Mediators, Bolzano/Bozen.

Application procedure: fill in the application form and send it, along with your CV, to the Alexander Langer Foundation, via mail, e-mail or fax (see contact information below). Advanced payment of 1/3 of the application fee is required (50€). Object of payment: summer school 2005
Participants will be given notice of admission by May 31st.

Application deadline: May 20th, 2005.
Passport and visa requirements: It is necessary for everybody to hold a valid passport. Participants coming from non-Schengen countries should pay attention to staying and transit visa regulations (staying visas for Italy and Bosnia-Herzegovina, transit visas through Slovenia and Croatia).

Participation fee: 150€. The fee will cover food and accomodation expenses, and travel expenses from Bolzano/Bozen to Bosnia and back. Advanced payment of 1/3 of the application fee (50€) is required, through bank deposit, before June 7th. Object of payment: summer school 2005.

Scolarships: available for up to 5 persons, upon specific request. The scolarship will cover the participation fee, plus travel expenses up to 150€.

Working language: English.


July 1st
Morning: arrival and accomodation
2 pm: opening of the summer school

July 1st – 3rd, Bozen/Bolzano
Participation in the international seminar and events about Alexander Langer (see programme above)

July 4th – 7th, Bozen/Bolzano
Lectures on the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Topics: “Srebrenica, 10 years after”, (with Irfanka Pasagic, Tuzlanska Amica; Natasa Kandic, Humanitarian Law Centre, Belgrade; and Vjosa Dobruna, pediatrician in Kosovo). “After Dayton”, (with Laura Dolci, UN Geneva, Francesco Palermo, University of Verona, Jens Woelk, University of Trento). Criminal and alternative justice (with Emanuela Fronza, Cariecj research Centre and Andrea Lollini, University of Bologna). Practical experiences in crisis situations (Walter Lorenz, University of Bolzano/Bozen; Stefano Recchia, Harvard University; Osservatorio dei Balcani, Rovereto, Italy).
Special attention will be paid to interaction among the participants and between participants and lecturers.

July 8th – 12th, Tuzla, Srebrenica and Sarajevo
The Summer school will move to Tuzla, Bosnia. There, we will take part in local commemorative events, organised by Tuzlanska Amica and Women of Srebrenica in Tuzla and Srebrenica. Meetings with local people. One-day seminar with Yael Danieli (psychologist, leader of the “Group Project for Holocaust Survivors and their Children”, New York). Participation in the public commemoration of July 11th, in Srebrenica. Participation in an international meeting in Sarajevo, promoted by the Green Group at the European Parliament, July 12th. Theater: “A come Srebrenica”, a monologue by Roberta Biagiarelli, directed by Simona Gonella, in Italian with English and Bosnian subtitles.

Info and programme updates:

For the application form, click here:

Data for bank deposits:

Via Latemar Straße 3, I - 39100 BOLZANO/BOZEN

Cassa di Risparmio BZ - Südtiroler Sparkasse
For deposits from Italy: BBAN S 06045 11613 000000 555000
For deposit from abroad: IBAN IT 91 S 06045 11613 000000 555000 – BIC/SWIFT CRBZIT21059

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