Euromediterranea Euromediterranea euromediterranea 2004 Summer School

euromediterranea 2004
Summer School
euromediterranea 2005 euromediterranea 2006 euromediterranea 2009 euromediterranea 2010 euromediterranea 2011 euromediterranea 2012 euromediterranea 2015 Euromediterranea 2017
(19) (6) (14) (2) (12) (12) (5) (2) 2005 10 years with Alex (15) 2005 A "brindisi" for Alex (7) 2005 memory (5) 2006 Children of Memory (13) 2006 euromed - Ibu Robin award (14) 2012 Arabellion! Women in progress (0) euromed 2005: 25-6 Brennero/Brenner (11) euromed 2009 - Iran (58) euromed 2013-donatori musica (46) Euromed 2015-alex/Bosnia (40) EUROMEDITERRANEA 2014 BORDERLANDS (2) EUROMEDITERRANEA 2016 (21) I.S (Intern. School) Bosnia – Coffins arrival (17) I.S – Bosnia – Ceremony (18) I.S – Bosnia – the Funeral (17) I.S. - Bosnia - Memorial and Cemetery (14) I.S. - Bosnia - the Students (19) I.S. - Bosnia – Meetings and Seminaries (18) I.S. - BZ - Paperlapapp meeting (6)

INVITATION – International Summerschool (28.06.- 04.07.2004)

Jun 8, 2004
The international festival „Euromediterranea 2004“ will focus on the EU-enlargement. The main topic is: Europe of the 25 and its “25 speeds”, a European scenario that is often supported as a chance for positive renewal, but also feared by many.
Public meetings, music, cinema, theatre as well as various exhibitions are scheduled in this year’s program.
The international summer school will be organized in the form of a “workshop of ideas”. Discussions and arguments focused on “Europe as we want it“ should lead to a preparation of a manifesto.
The summer school will be held according to the “Open Space Tecnology” participatory technique by Marianella Sclavi. Sclavi is a lecturer of urban etnografie, art of listening and creative leadership of conflicts at the “Politecnico di Milano”.
The meetings will host Italian as well as international guests, who will participate in the “Euromediterranea: Europe with his 25 velocities” (see program outline).
The Summer School is open to 40 participants from old and new european countries which will join the European Union on the 1st of May 2004.
Five scholarships will be offered on the basis of merit. Scholarships will amount to a maximum of 250€ to cover part of the travel costs, enrolment fee and accommodation. Enrolment fee for all other participants is 50 € covering the expenses for accommodation (20€ for participants who don’t need accommodation).
The official language of the Conference and Summer School is English. Simultaneous translation into German and Italian will be available exclusively for the evening events.

It is necessary to fill up the enclosed form and send it together with the curriculum vitae to the Langer Foundation, e-mail: tel.+ fax 0471-977691.

For further information and updates, please see our website at
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