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Form for subscribe and support our Foundation

Fondazione Alexander Langer Stiftung – Onlus

via Bottai 5 Bindergasse - 39100 BOLZANO/BOZEN (Italy)
Tel. + Fax 0471/977.691

The Alexander Langer Foundation is searching for new Friends and supporters. For getting Friend or supporter of the Foundation please fill in the admission form in all parts (as for art. 12 and 14 of the Statute).
Please note that the contributions may be used for fiscal deductions as stipulated by the Italian law.

The undersigned

is taking part in the foundation "Fondazione Alexander Langer Stiftung - Onlus" as per objectives indicated in the Statute approved by the foundation assembly dated 4th July, 1999.

He/she declares to have transferred the amount of Euro to the account of the Foundation

Banca/Bank: Cassa di Risparmio di BZ – Südtiroler Sparkasse, IBAN: IT91 S 060 4511 6130 0000 0555 000 for the following purpose:


Please note that the contributions may be used for fiscal deductions as stipulated by the Italian law.


I get the information forseen from art. 10 by law n. 675 from 31.12.1996 – under protection of the law of privacy and agree in sense of art. 11 – treatment of personal particulars.


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