Adopt Srebrenica Adopt Srebrenica Settimana Internazionale 2010 info

Chi siamo Centro di documentazione Adopt Srebrenica Io non odio/Ja ne mrzim - La storia di Zijo Euromediterranea 2015 in Bosnia-Erzegovina Settimana Internazionale 2013 Settimana Internazionale 2014 Settimana Internazionale 2012 Settimana Internazionale 2011 dosta! Srebrenica&Bolzano 2011 Viaggio 11 luglio 2010 Settimana Internazionale 2010
stampa link 2010 info
Viaggio 11 luglio 2009 News e appuntamenti 2009-2014 Settimana Internazionale 2009 Diario da Srebrenica 2009 Viaggio a Strasburgo 2009 Su Srebrenica e sulla Bosnia 2005/2009 Eventi "Al di là della guerra" 2009 Irfanka Pašagić - commenti Viaggio 11 luglio 2008 Dopo Dayton / maggio 2008 Settimana Internazionale 2008 Viaggio 11 luglio 2007 / scritti 2005-2007 Settimana Internazionale 2007 Media coverage 2005 / 2007 Link Emergenza alluvioni BIH 2014-2015 Osmače e Brežani / Premio Carlo Scarpa 2014 adopt srebrenica 2018 adopt srebrenica 2016 adopt srebrenica 2019 Adopt Srebrenica 2017 Tuzla ricorda Alexander Langer I fiori di Srebrenica - Quaderno Rete Lilliput Ferrara 11 luglio 2020 dal Sudtirolo a Srebrenica Srebrenica - Tuzla 2020 Settimana Internationale 2021 & 11 luglio Settimana Internazionale 2022
(14) (1) Adopt Srebrenica Group (6) as / Srebrenica Erleben 2010 (3) as-Gedenkreisen 11 Juli 2009 (52) Bz-Dayton -Meeting Trento 06-16 (15) Bz-Dayton Culture 06.17 (6) Bz-Dayton Eurac 15.06 (5) Bz-Dayton faces (10) Bz-Dayton Master Meeting 06.17 (13) Bz-Dayton Meeting with local institutions 06.16 (2) Bz-Dayton-Conference 06.17 (17) Cooperation for memory 2011 (36) in Strassburg 2009 (26) Internat. Woche 2008 (37) internat. woche 2008-2 (17) Internationale Woche 2009 (28) internationale Woche 2014 (52) Internaz. Woche 2007 (9) Srebrenica - Potocari 11.7.2007 (9) Srebrenica 11.7.2005 (4) Srebrenica 11.7.2005 (9) Srebrenica 11.7.2006 (6) srebrenica-mars mira 2010 (8) Tuzla - Modena City Ramblers (4) Tuzla 07.2006 (9) Tuzlanska amica (13)

Infodok, short biography

26.7.2010, Eurac-foundation

International Commission on Missing Persons was established at the initiative of U.S: President Clinton in 1996. Its role is to ensure cooperation of the governments in locating and identifying those who have disappeared during armed conflicts and human rights violations. The organization was established to support the Dayton Peace Agreement, which ended the conflicts in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  ICMP is currently headquartered in Sarajevo. ICMP is now actively involved in helping governments and other institutions in various parts of the world address social and political issues related to missing persons and establish effective identification systems in the wake of conflict or natural disaster. Since November 2001, ICMP has led the way in using DNA as a first step in the identification of large numbers of persons missing from armed conflict. By matching DNA from blood and bone samples, ICMP has been able to identify 15,612 people who were missing from the conflicts and whose mortal remains were found in hidden graves. The effective use of DNA as a means of mass identification has transformed ICMP from a small organization operating on an essentially political level into the biggest identification program in the world. In Tuzla, ICMP has established an Identification Coordination Division and has started a Podrinje Identification Project.


Podrinje Identification Project (PIP) conducts analysis of human remains and DNA sampling and coordinates the identification process for cases of persons missing from the 1995 fall of Srebrenica. Postmortem examinations are combined with antemortem data, personal effects and DNA match reports, and results are coordinated with local identification authorities to return identified remains to their families.


Identification Coordination Division (IDC) is responsible for the coordination of samples, data, and DNA matching for all cases processed by the ICMP from any part of the world. Samples of human mortal remains are submitted to the ICD either from ICMP mortuary facilities or outside entities, and in this way enter into the ICMP DNA testing process. DNA reference samples from families of the missing are obtained, together with all associated information, and a missing persons file is established for each case. ICMP produces tracking charts on the progress of the collection of samples and the generation of DNA match reports. In addition, a “Notice of DNA Reports Submitted” is regularly given to governments that receive ICMP assistance.


Tuzlanska Amica is a non-governmental organisation based in Tuzla, which works at easing the suffering of women and children who have been in the concentration camps and those who have fled Srebrenica. Its activities range from distance adoptions, family houses, medical care for children and promotion of social policies. The organization receives support from and collaborates with the number of Italian organisations and associations. Tuzlanska Amica is directed by Irfanka Pašagić, neuropsychiatrist from Srebrenica, who arrived in Tuzla as a refugee in 1992. For her engagement, in 2005 Irfanka Pašagić received the International Award of the Alexander Langer Foundation. Psychologists, pedagogues, social assistants and - if necessary - also legal consultants give their contribution to the association. Furthermore, the Tuzlanska Amica serves as a Centre for documentation and research on the condition of women and promotes public initiatives and seminars in order to support dialogue, understanding and tolerance between persons of all nationalities.


Igor Rajner is a member of Parliament of Canton Tuzla and a member of House of Peoples in the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He has graduated Political Sciences at the University of Sarajevo. Previously, ha has worked for a number of banks, insurance companies and NGOs and is currently employed in the UPI bank in Tuzla. He was a founder of the Alliance of reformist forces in Tuzla.

Sasa Madacki is a Director of the Human RIghts Centre of the University of Sarajevo. He graduated in Comparative Literature and Librariaship at the Universirty of Sarajevo and compelted further trainings of the Council of Europe. Sasa worked as an advisor for the UNDP and as alecturer at Danish Institute for Human Rights in Copenhage, He has published various scientific papers in the field of human rights and information management.


Drino Galicic is a graduate of Law school of the University “Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne” and holds an MA in Diplomacy and Law of International Organisations. Currently, he is enrolled in the PhD Program “Diversity Management and Governance”. He has served as a legal advisor and concultant in many international organisations and has published and presented articles internationally. Currently, he works for European Academy Bolzano/Bozen in the Representative Office in Sarajevo.

Lana Pasic is a graduate of International Relations from the University of Pretoria in South Africa. Currently, she is completing the MA in Comparative Local Development, focusing on the impact of ethnicity on development in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Previously she has worked in academia and non-governmental sector in the area of development and reconciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Gianluca Paciucci born in Rieti 1960, graduated in Literature, from 2002 to 2006 has been lecturer at the the University of Sarajevo with extra-academics assignments working also for the italian Ambassy in BiH as chief of the Cultural department (with this role he has been one of the creators of the “International poetry meetings” in Sarajevo). 2005 has written “Sarajevo, hystorical -turistical guide”


Bruno Palestra is representative of the association of the italian cityzens in Sarajevo, where he lives years-long. 2005 he has cooperated in the writing of the book “Sarajevo, hystorical -turistical guide”



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