Adopt Srebrenica Adopt Srebrenica Settimana Internazionale 2010 info

Chi siamo Centro di documentazione Adopt Srebrenica Io non odio/Ja ne mrzim - La storia di Zijo Euromediterranea 2015 in Bosnia-Erzegovina Settimana Internazionale 2013 Settimana Internazionale 2014 Settimana Internazionale 2012 Settimana Internazionale 2011 dosta! Srebrenica&Bolzano 2011 Viaggio 11 luglio 2010 Settimana Internazionale 2010
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Icty: facts abaut Srebrenica

14.7.2010, in attachment

In June 2005, during cross-examination of a witness in the case against Slobodan Milošević1 at
the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, the court viewed video footage
showing a Serbian paramilitary unit, calling itself the Scorpions, execute six Bosnian Muslim
men and teenagers captured after the fall of Srebrenica in 1995. The images of Serbian
soldiers tormenting and then shooting the Bosnian Muslim prisoners, whose hands were tied
behind their backs and who offered no resistance before being shot, broke through the wall of
silence and denial about the subject of Srebrenica in Serbia and Montenegro. The Serbian
Government condemned the killings, and the Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor acted swiftly to
detain a number of suspects allegedly complicit in the murders of these six men.

International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia





jit_srebrenica_en.pdf (98 KB)
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