International Award International Award Award 2006 Indonesia

International Award Award 1997 Algeria Award 1998 Rwanda Award 1999 China Award 2000 Kosovo-Serbia Award 2001 Israel/Palestine Award 2002 Ecuador Award 2003 Italy Award 2004 Poland Exibition Langer Awards Award 2007 South Africa Award 2005 Bosnia Herzegovina Award 2006 Indonesia
Award 2008 Somalia Award 2009 Iran Award 2010 Italy Award 2011 - Haiti award 2012 - Tunis Award 2013 - Donatori Musica Award 2014 - Borderline Sicilia Award 2015 Adopt, Srebrenica Award 2017: Angalià - Asgi Award 2018 - Arava Institut
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Robin Lim - Speech to Parliament of Italy

5.10.2006, Foundation - Photo Anna Da Sacco
Assalamualaikum, Om Shanti, Blessings of Peace….
My honored hosts and hostesses, of the Chamber of Deputies, of the beautiful country of Italy. Thank you for welcoming me here today. I accept your hospitality on behalf of Ikatan Bidan Indonesia, (Indonesian Midwives' Association), as well as the families, mothers and babies I serve in Indonesia.

It seems Alexander Langer Foundation has chosen to honor my work with the families suffering economically due to terrorism in Bali and the survivors of the earthquake and tsunami in Aceh because Bumi Sehat Foundation believes that peace begins with the smallest citizen, peace begins with babies.

Research has now shown us what midwives have always known: that there is an exact connection between women, peace and the environment. This is fortunately still part of Indonesian tradition and culture. We must remember that birth trauma interferes with the connection between heart and mind. It is this connection that is necessary for individuals to grow into the caring citizens of earth who protect one another and their environment.

Gentle birth - heals Mother Earth.

We can only protect the future generations from trauma at birth by protecting the mothers in pregnancy, birth and post partum.

We must encourage the loving involvement of fathers in the creative process of bearing children. Society, beginning with its leaders, both political and religious, must honor the role of mother and father. We must recognize the value of mothers' work, for on the lap of mother children learn love and compassion, they learn to care for all living things and for our precious planet.

We must fiercely promote and protect breastfeeding. These simple steps lay the foundation for optimal human life. How beautiful our planet will be, when every individual can live his or her full potential, just by keeping life simple and natural. In the words of Alexander Langer, "Peace between humans and nature will be attained when we learn to live simply."

I believe that this must become a reality in all countries and cultures throughout our planet for environmental balance, peace and nonviolence to succeed.

The good news is that gentle, natural birth and feeding children at the breast is a very inexpensive model of care.

It seems that Italy is making progress towards caring for each and every mother and precious child. For this you must be very proud.

Caring for pregnant women is not so easy in countries and places where the people are malnourished, victims of conflict and natural disasters, yet it can and must be achieved.

Every child we help into the world gently and every child we breastfeed is a victory toward a healthy society. Because I believe the preservation of our planet and world peace can be reached in baby steps.
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