Alexander Langer Alexander Langer Writings - Alexander Langer Former Yugoslavia

Short Biography Writings - Alexander Langer
East/West Environment Europe Former Yugoslavia
Verona Forum European Parliament
Israel/Palestine Mediterranean Countries North/South Peaceful Coexistence
Short Bibliographie Memories
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Mayor of the Town of Tuzla, Bosnia Herzegowina

1.6.1995., EP
Dear Mayor, dear friend Selim, from the very first moment after the terrible attack on Tuzla I tried to reach you, but it was impossible. I managed it only to get in contact with Sejfudin Tokic, in Zagreb, and later - together with Rada Gavrilovic - your office in Tuzla.

I would reaffirm the deepest and warmest solidarity with you, and the full acceptance of your cry which I received here in Brussels.

All the people you met in South Tyrol, and most of those in th European Parliament, asked me to express the same feelings. Yesterday we remembered you and your fellow citizens in the Foreign Affairs Committee, and as now resolution could be adopted, finally a group of Members of Parliaments signed the declaration which I include hereby.

Today we all urged the President of the European Commission, Mr.Jacques Santer, to act in this sense: he visited our Committee for a discussion on foreign policy.

Believe me, we don't forget! And as a concrete sign I ask you again to act in order to send a 10-15 people delegation from Tuzla to Bolzano/Bozen, frome the 19th to the 21th of June. Vicepresident Mr.Franz Pahl is waiting for them, and the Mayor Ferrari as well.

With my very best wishes to you, to Amira, to your citizens

Alexander Langer

Brussels, 1.6.1995
Mr.Selim Beslagic
Mayor of the Town of Tuzla
Bosnia Herzegowina
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